Thursday, March 22, 2012

What is an Atheist?

I can't really describe the typical atheist, because he or she probably does not exist. Just like any other diverse group of people, there are more differences than similarities. In fact, our atheism is the only thing some of us have in common with each other, just as it would be in any large group that shares a common interest. Unfortunately, atheists are often subject to the same kinds of prejudice and bigotry as other minority groups.

Atheists come from all walks of life. Some were raised as atheists, some have made the transition late in life. Some are aggressive and militant about their atheism, while some are passive to the extent that they rarely give it a thought. Some detest religion and work towards its demise, while other are tolerant and content to take a "Believe what you will" attitude.

Some are very vocal about their views, while others have never told anyone they don't believe in god. Some see religion where it does not belong and are perhaps angered, while others will take action against whatever institution is forcing some religion on us (and these by the way, are the faces of atheism you most often see).

Some of us are organizers, the catalysts behind clubs, groups, rallies, and conventions. Others are the joiners who attend these meetings and events. But even more common are those who are stay at home atheists, perfectly content on their own.

There are doctors, lawyers, engineers, writers, students, accountants, mechanics, chefs, and even priests. They are rich, middle-class, poor, even homeless.

There are some incredibly intelligent and articulate atheists, as well as those who are rather low on the scale of intelligence and comprehension.

In other words, we're a lot like christians, jews, mormans, and muslims. I could re-post this with minor changes to make the same point about any of these groups. Many atheists came from those groups. We are your neighbors, your co-workers, and your fellow citizens. We are part of the diverse fabric of today's society.

With a bit of rational thought, we could even be you.

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