Thursday, March 15, 2012

What I think about Rush "The slutmaker" Limbaugh

   Rush is who he is. He has an act that plays very well to a fair chunk of Americans. He's an American citizen with all the rights that go with the title, one of which is free speech. He has the right to say whatever he wants on his show. But, like I tell my kids, there are consequences for everything you do in life. Sometimes those consequences are positive, sometimes not.

   We've already seen some of the consequences for his ill-advised tirade regarding Ms. Fluke. Advertisers are abandoning ship in hordes. Rebukes are raining down from the left and right. And don't forget the publicity. Though it may all be negative in nature, remember what the old adage says. There's no such thing as bad publicity.

   I doubt that many of his regular listeners have left him. More likely, he's picked up some new listeners who want to see (hear) what all the fuss is about. He hasn't lost listeners because of one simple reason. He preaches to the choir. They not only keep listening, but join in on the attack.

   These loyal supporters are why Rush will likely stay on the air. Yes, there will be a dip in ad revenue for everyone involved. But those loyal listeners are a valuable commodity for advertisers, and therefore radio stations. The fuss is already dying down, and I'll bet you advertisers are already jockeying for position.

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