Monday, March 19, 2012

Obama haters

   I've spoken to more than a few right leaning friends and acquaintances in the past few months about the upcoming election for POTUS. A couple trends seem to be at work.

   The first is that while it is easy for them to say that they hate (yes, that is the word most of them use) Obama, very few of them can give credible reasons. I mainly get comments like "He wants to turn our country into a socialist state", "He wants to destroy capitalism", "He is the worst president we've ever had", "He is destroying our country".

   The 2nd trend I see is that these people plan to vote republican in November, no matter how poorly suited the GOP candidate may be to lead our country. I suppose this doesn't surprise me, but it saddens me.

Disclosure: I've voted republican at least as many times as I've voted democrat. I even voted for George W Bush once.

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